Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs, CO
Garden of the Gods

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wealth Masters Conference - Houston, TX

Good evening all,

Just want to share a bit of the Wealth Masters Conference that took place today in Houston, Texas...

We had an amazing line-up of speakers, including Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson. Everything from marketing strategies to new compensation plans and not to mention very exciting news and great future plans for Wealth Masters Members... Things just got a whole lot better!

As you all may now, we are facing one of the worlds worst economic crisis in history. The gap between the Rich and the Poor keeps widening everyday and the Middle Class of America is at risk of being wiped out all together. There is a fifty-trillion dollar wealth transfer that has already begun to unfold. The only question is, Which side of the isle are you going to be left in if you do not take action now?

Take a look at this trailer (Conspiracy Against your Money - and if you are serious about discovering the secret about money and wealth and want to join our team of Entrepreneurs, I will personally send the complete DVD to the first 20 people that respond with their name/phone number/ and mailing address.

Talk to me about joining soon so that you can make it to our next conference in Boca Raton, FL this March!

Best Regards

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