Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Springs, CO
Garden of the Gods

Friday, January 29, 2010

What Do You Value???

Hello Gang!

You'll have to excuse my absence the last couple of days. I've been feeling a little bit under the weather. Luckily, I'm getting over my sickness and am feeling good enough to keep sharing ideas with you guys.

So... tonight we had yet another amazing call with Mr. John Jackson. Before I get into my dialogue for tonight I just have to say that I truly feel privileged to be part of such an amazing team. We have a community of amazing people but every time I listen in to one of JJ calls, I truly feel an inspiration like no other. It's a feeling that you almost cannot describe. I am really looking forward to talking with him in person this weekend while he is in Houston for our Wealth Mastermind Conference.

So during our Leadership Mastermind call tonight JJ said something that kind of hit home for me, and I'll get right to it. The comment was "LEADERS SPEND TIME WITH THEIR FOLLOWERS". Now for those of you that are familiar with Network Marketing, you know that usually someone brings you into the business and the idea is that you leverage their knowledge and success to build your own down-line and become successful yourself. You then share that knowledge with your followers and help them succeed. Of course, this is your business and no one, but you, is responsible for your own success so you have to do your homework and implement the marketing strategies you learn.

However, as a LEADER I ask myself a very important question - How am I spending my time? The reason I ask myself this question is because, how we spend our time is a general indicator of what we value as being important!  

We can say that a person who works out on a regular basis and eats well is usually health conscious, can we not? Or what about the person who enjoys reading or regularly attends seminars - could we not say that they value personal development? In the case of Internet Entrepreneurs, if a mentor spends time with his/her followers, could we not say that he/she values their follower's success? 

These are all great questions and I am truly not posing this question for myself because I know how I spend my time and I know what I value. I pose this question for YOU, my reader, and I want you to ask yourself, HOW ARE YOU SPENDING YOUR TIME? 

Are you sitting in front of a television giving into the media outlets?  Are you sitting in front of a gaming system completely wasting your time? and if are, what does that say about what you value? 

How would your life be different if you completely stopped doing all the things that were not adding to your personal success and development and you replaced them with things that empowered you to completely change your lifestyle? What would that say about what you value then? Would you value a better quality of life? Would you value financial security? Would you value family and freedom? 

I leave you with this question tonight and I really want you to think about this and determine how it that you are spending your time? What does that say about what you value?

 Best Regards

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